Frostpunk 2 Wiki and Guides
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The Frostland is a vast world outside of the City in Frostpunk 2 full of dangers and riches. The Frostland interface functions as a wider regional map, and part of the game mechanics of Frostpunk 2 is that the player can explore and exploit its reaches to get different Resources and make Outposts and Colonies to provide the City with everything its people need.

In order to access and interact with the Frostland, the Steward will need to construct a Logistics District.pngLogistics District at the edge of the City map at an Old Waystation location. There are several around the city borders. More Logistics Districts as well as Buildings to upgrade the district will increase the number of Frostland Teams.pngFrostland Teams that can be used to explore the regional Frostland map.

Frostland Exploration[edit | edit source]

There are multiple Territories on the Frostland map that represent an area like a biome or a geographical environment. These are used to split up areas of the map. The player can select a Territory by clicking on their map label and read its description, which may hint at the resources that might be found there.

To explore a Territory the Steward needs to send an Expedition by allocating a certain number of Frostland Teams.pngFrostland Teams, which are sourced from the Logistics District.pngLogistics District and its Buildings. The number of Frostland Teams.pngFrostland Teams required varies on the difficulty of the Territory and can range from 10 to 40 teams for the early game areas. Icons next to the territory means that the territory is more challenging and requires more Frostland Teams.pngFrostland Teams. The Cost and exploration time can be reduced by researching alternative exploration methods in the Idea Tree Icon.pngIdea Tree, Council laws, or by Buildings like the Scout Headquarters.

Some unexplored territory names include:

  • Plains
  • Mountains
  • Crevasse Fields
  • Hills

Once the expedition is completed, the Territory is considered "Charted" and the old marker will despawn. More of the map will be revealed, and new nodes will appear, including further Territories behind the explored one. A random name will also be given to the area on the map background. There can be a variety of node outcomes: different Resources that can be brought back to the City like food Harvesting Areas or Outposts; there might also be a Landmark with some Lore information instead.

Map choice[edit | edit source]

The Map is an option chosen at game start. While only one map was available for the beta, other options were displayed and they are likely to affect the type of geographical features that can be found and the regional layout. Maps have a mix of procedurally generated content like Territory names which are completely random; as well as some fixed points, such as the city, or resource locations like Coal Camps and Oil Deposits.

Windswept Peaks[edit | edit source]

Frostpunk 2 Windswept Peaks Full Map Example

Sheltered between mountain ranges in a small valley, this place was judged well-protected from the elements, with relatively easy access to key resources.

This map features a lot of Mountain Territories and rocky terrain. The mountain terrain can also block placement of Trail or Railroad used for outposts, which which can lead to more complex routing around them.

Whiteouts come from a random direction and go through the city location, but the bottom left corner of the map may be more likely than other directions.

Frostland resources[edit | edit source]

Frostland Harvesting Areas[edit | edit source]

Harvesting Areas can be found everywhere around the Frostland. They are an alternative source of Food.pngFood.

Harvesting Areas just need Frostland Teams.pngFrostland Teams to operate them and can start providing Food.pngFood immediately, as they do not require a route connecting them to the city.

The Harvester Hangar.pngHarvester Hangar building will increase the amount of Food.pngFood provided by Harvesting Areas.

Frostland Outposts[edit | edit source]

Outposts act as a source of Coal.pngCoal, Materials.pngMaterials or Oil.

To get an Outpost running, you must first connect an Outpost site by a Trail. Trail have to be connected to the one of the City's entry points, which roughly align to where Logistics District.pngLogistics District is built on the city map. You can then construct it and begin extracting resources.

Its possible to increase the efficiency of an Outpost by connecting it using Railroads instead of Trail.

Outposts have a limited supply of resource will eventually run out to depletion.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • During the beta some players used scout team reduction to reduce the exploration cost to zero, allowing them to set up infinite expeditions and rapidly explore new territories.
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