Frostpunk 2 Wiki and Guides
Do you have what it takes to survive?


From Frostpunk 2 Wiki and Guides
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Each city is a system composed of communities. Communities organise the population of the city into political groupings. Communities also interact with the Zeitgeist.pngZeitgeist system.

Communities are selected when the savefile is started. Communities come in opposing pairs.

Communities are the system by which the Demands for most resources are connected to the population, such as Food.pngFood, Goods.pngGoods or Shelter.pngShelter. It is unknown whether this has been done for technical reasons or whether the distribution to each community can be influenced by gameplay.

Communities focus primarily on one aspect of the Zeitgeist. In the case of the beta communities Forager and Machinist, this was the Survival aspect, with the Foragers following the Adaptation.pngAdaptation position and the Machinists following the Progress.pngProgress position.

Communities can be interacted with to give them promises, let them set the Council agenda, or demand funding. This can be advantageous for the Steward and influence voting in the Council. Researching technologies/concepts on the Idea Tree Icon.pngIdea Tree and passing laws that align with their ideology will make them think more favourably of the Steward. Favouring the opposing ideology will make them displeased.

Negotiated promises generally happen in three categories: buildings (both build or demolish are possible), research, and laws. There is a timelimit to promise. Also note that researching a new law will cause it to be automatically proposed to the agenda at the next council session whenever recess ends, unless another research has already been finished, so the research promise can be a particular investment for the steward compared to the other two categories. The steward can break the promise but this comes with a relations penalty.

Relations with communities follow a scale. They have an opinion on the City Direction (Zeitgeist). For example, Machinists can be "opposed to the city favouring Adaptation" because they prefer the opposing ideology of Progress, and they can also be influenced by current events like the Emergency Council Session district action. Relations have 7 segments, from lowest to highest: Hostile, Opposing, Skeptical, Neutral, Favourable, Supporting, Devoted.

Communities can eventually radicalise into Factions.pngFactions with stronger political influence. As of the beta, each community had one faction associated with them.

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