Frostpunk 2 Wiki and Guides
Do you have what it takes to survive?

Food District

From Frostpunk 2 Wiki and Guides
Discord Wiki.png
Food District
Food District.png
Food District Construction Costs
Workforce.png Workforce 600
Heatstamps.png Heatstamps 100
Food District Requirements
Workforce.png Workforce 600
Materials.png Materials 50
Heat.png Heat 40
Food.png Food 60

Food District is one of the Districts in Frostpunk 2. Produces the food resource. Can be constructed on fertile food deposits.

Food District Expansions[edit | edit source]

Food District can be expanded to Expanded Food District, providing it with additional production capabilities and extra Building slot.

Food District Expansions
Expansion Name Cost Production Building Slots
Food District 120 Heatstamps.pngHeatstamps 60 Food.pngFood 1
Expanded Food District 50 Heatstamps.pngHeatstamps 80 Food.pngFood 2

Food District Buildings[edit | edit source]

Food District can have up to 2 Buildings per district depending on its Expansion level.

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