Frostpunk 2 Wiki and Guides
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Harvester Hangar

From Frostpunk 2 Wiki and Guides
Discord Wiki.png
Harvester Hangar
Harvester Hangar.png
Building info
Idea Required Frostland.png Harvester Hangars
Harvester Hangar Construction Costs
Workforce.png Workforce 400
Heatstamps.png Heatstamps 180
Harvester Hangar Requirements
Workforce.png Workforce 400
NoIcon.png Harvesting Increased Slightly

Aerodrome from which harvesters are dispatched to the frostland to speed up food extraction.
~ Ingame description

Harvester Hangar is one of the Buildings for the Logistics District.pngLogistics District in Frostpunk 2. It increases harvesting speed from the Territories that have resources in them. It require Logistics District.pngLogistics District to be built.

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