Frostpunk 2 Wiki and Guides
Do you have what it takes to survive?


From Frostpunk 2 Wiki and Guides
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In Frostpunk 2, time is measured in days and weeks. Most actions like construction, Frostbreaking or research on the Idea Tree take a set amount of time to complete.

Scouting the Frostland also takes place over time. Population growth gradually takes place. Events may be triggered at certain weeks or periods of time.

Some other events happen on a cyclic pattern. The Council sits to hear new law proposals roughly every 10 weeks. Resources are produced and drained every day, while Heatstamps.pngHeatstamps are collected every week. Temperature variations may also take place on a 20 week cycle.

The Generator can be on overdrive for a limit of 30 weeks non-stop.

The player has some control over time which can be advanced at one of three speeds or be paused. 1 day passes in approximately a second at normal speed.

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